British war drama based on the true story of Lt. Franz von Werra (Hardy Krüger), the only German prisoner-of-war interred in Britain to successfully escape and return to Germany. After being shot down in his plane over Britain, Lt. von Werra is kept captive in the North of England and sets his sights on a cunning plan to escape the clutches of the British and make it back to his homeland. With the story of his escape reaching the news and the authorities beginning to close in on him, von Werra must act fast if he is to survive the shoot-to-kill order with his name on it and reach the sanctity and familiarity of Germany.
Barcode: 5027626708443
Region Code: Region B
Certificate: U
Label: Network
Actors: Hardy Kruger, Colin Gordon, Michael Goodliffe, Terence Alexander, Jack Gwillim, George Roubicek, George Mikell, Hardy Krüger, Julian Somers, Frederick Jaeger, John Van Eyssen, Harry Lockhart, Robert Crewdson, Andrew Faulds, Alec McCowen
Director: Roy Ward Baker
Number of Discs: 1
Audio Languages: English
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