A whimsical comedy from Ealing Films, starring Robert Beatty as an idle fantasist and Moira Lister as the girl who falls for his poetic charm. Supported by Stanley Holloway and directed by the legendary Charles Crichton, Another Shore is featured here as a brand-new High Definition remaster from original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.
Gulliver Shiels lies abed in Dublin, loafing to the best of his ability. He whiles away his time dreaming of a South Sea island that, he believes, will be bequeathed to him for an act of selfless charity. When he bumps into ace toper Alastair McNeil, Shiels believes that McNeil could be the benefactor of his daydreams.
SPECIAL FEATURE: Image gallery
- Reference 7958261
- Year 1948
- Director Charles Crichton
- Actor Robert Beatty, Moira Lister, Stanley Holloway, Michael Medwin, Sheila Manahan
- Media Film
- Format Blu-ray
- Label The British Film
- Genre Comedy
- Barcode 5027626826147
- Classification U
- Number Of Discs 1
- Picture 1080p HD 1.37:1
- Sound Mono / English
- Subtitles English
- Region B
- Time 78 mins
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