Renowned farceur Tom Walls stars alongside French cinematic icon Françoise Rosay in this heart-warming comedy-drama from Ealing Films. Made as World War Two was coming to an end but set during its opening months, Johnny Frenchman is featured here as a brand-new High Definition remaster from original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.
There exists an age-old rivalry between the Cornish and Breton fisherfolk, but harbourmaster Nat Pomeroy holds a particular grudge. not just for the Bretons’ incessant poaching, but for the harbour dues he loses in the process!
[] Fishing Reels: Making Johnny Frenchman
[] Image gallery
Barcode 5027626833541
Region Code: Blu-ray B
Certificate: U
Label: Network
Actors: Françoise Rosay, Tom Walls, Patricia Roc, Ralph Michael, Paul Dupuis
Director: Charles Frend
Number of Discs: 1
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