James Mason and Joyce Howard star in this classic British mystery thriller co-written and directed by Leslie Arliss. The film follows Marian Ives (Howard), a young schoolteacher who travels to the Yorkshire Moors on the anniversary of her best friend’s disappearance. When Marian is caught in a storm, she seeks shelter in the house of Stephen Deremid (Mason), a traumatised and reclusive ex-serviceman. However, as Marian begins to warm to Stephen, she begins to suspect that Stephen is capable of sinister things.
Barcode: 5027626803049
Region Code: Region B
Certificate: PG
Label: Network
Actors: James Mason, Mary Clare, Wilfrid Lawson, John Fernald, Dorothy Black, Tucker McGuire, Joyce Howard
Director: Leslie Arliss, Wilfrid Lawson, Mary Clare, Joyce Howard, Tucker McGuire
Number of Discs: 1
Audio Languages: English, English
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