Made-for-TV drama directed by Jack Gold and starring John Hurt as Quentin Crisp. The film traces the life of the flamboyant and eccentric Crisp, a homosexual British man, as he grows up and grows old in a conservative society which treats his sexuality as a criminal offence. The cast also includes John Rhys-Davies, Roger Lloyd Pack and Stanley Lebor.
Barcode: 5027626809041
Region Code: Region B
Certificate: 15
Label: Network
Actors: John Hurt, Liz Gebhart, Patricia Hodge, Stanley Lebor, John Rhys-Davies, Lloyd Lamble, Shane Briant, Roger Lloyd-Pack, Antonia Pemberton, Adrian Shergold, Katharine Schofield, Joan Ryan, Frederick Treves
Director: Jack Gold
Number of Discs: 1
Audio Languages: English
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