1950s comedy horror co-written and produced by Herman Cohen, a man widely credited as a pioneer of the teen horror genre. A group of young exchange students – Americans Bill (Richard Lyon) and Ronnie (David Rose), and Danish girl Ingrid (Liliane Sottane) – decide to visit Ambrose Castle while in Britain. The castle is said to be haunted by an earl who used to live there and a supposedly headless ghost. Intrigued, Ronnie convinces Bill and Ingrid to join him for a night inside the castle, but will the curious trio get more than they bargained for?
Special Features: Image Gallery
Barcode: 5027626395544
Region Code: Region 2
Certificate: PG
Label: Network
Actors: Richard Lyon, Liliane Sottane, David Rose, Jack Allen, Josephine Blake, Donald Bisset, Clive Revill, Carl Bernard, Alexander Archdale, Trevor Barnett, Mary Barclay, John Stacy
Director: Peter Graham Scott
Number of Discs: 1
Audio Languages: English
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