All 13 episodes of the aquatic sci-fi serial drama written by John Lucarotti. Fearless scientific journalist Mark Bannerman (Gerald Flood) and his trusty assistant Peter Blake (Stewart Guidotti) are always grateful for the chance of an underwater voyage. Whether it’s to observe the findings of an experimental transmitter or to look for rare metals, it rarely ever goes according to plan. ‘City Beneath the Sea’ (1962) episodes are: ‘The Pirates’, ‘Escape to Aegiria’, ‘Tide of Evil’, ‘Cellar of Fear’, ‘Power to Destroy’, ‘Operation Grand Design’ and ‘Three Hours to Doomsday’. ‘Secret Beneath the Sea’ (1963) episodes are: ‘The Mysterious Metal’, ‘Voyage Into Danger’, ‘Sabotage’, ‘The X-Layer’, ‘Take-Over’ and ‘The Death Trap’.
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