In his first comedy series for ITV, Richard Briers stars as a beleaguered vicar who abandons the comforts of his affluent Oxfordshire parish for the more challenging climes of a run-down Midlands town. Also starring Barbara Ferris and Nigel Humphreys, this hugely engaging sitcom was penned by noted screenwriter John Kane and directed by multi-award winner John Howard Davies.
When doubts begin to assail the Rev. Philip Lambe, he feels the problems of an urban parish might help renew his faith in himself. But before accepting a position in Edendale, he must convince his family – particularly reluctant wife Emma – that the move will mean a fresh start for them all. When Philip and Emma finally visit Edendale they discover that if anything, it’s even worse than reports suggested. In fact, one night spent there confirms Emma’s worst fears and reinforces Philip’s belief that Edendale really needs him…
Reference 7953952
Year 1986
Director John Howard Davies
Actor Ronald Leigh-Hunt
Media TV
Format DVD
Label Network
Genre Comedy
Barcode 5027626395247
Classification TBC
Number Of Discs 1
Picture 1.33:1 / Colour
Sound Mono / English
Subtitles None
Region 2 / PAL
Time 141 mins approx
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