British action thriller set in Sydney, Australia and starring Aldo Ray as Matt Kirk, a wrongly-convicted prisoner who, along with three other inmates, escapes from jail aboard a small boat. When the fugitives run aground on Pinchgut Island, a small military fortress in the middle of Sydney Harbour, a desperate siege begins during which the island caretaker Pat Fulton (Gerry Duggan) and his family are held hostage and a loaded cannon is trained on the city’s waterfont.
Barcode: 5027626608545
Region Code: Region 2
Certificate: PG
Label: Network
Actors: Aldo Ray, Heather Sears, Neil McCallum, Victor Maddern, Alan Tilvern, Deryck Barnes, Carlo Giustini, Gerry Duggan, Richard Vernon, Kenneth J. Warren, Grant Taylor, Barbara Mullen
Director: Harry Watt
Number of Discs: 1
Audio Languages: English
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