Set amid the drama of the turf, this acclaimed six-part series is based on the international best-selling novels written by former steeplechase jockey (and 1956 Grand National veteran) Dick Francis.
Mike Gwilym delivers a powerful performance as Sid Halley, a former champion jockey whose career ended when a racetrack fall left him with a shattered hand. He is jolted out of self-pity when his father-in-law urges him to investigate a string of mysterious ‘accidents’ at a major racecourse one of which has killed Sid’s friend. Drawing on his inside knowledge, Sid opens a private detective agency with reformed thug and judo expert Chico Barnes to dig deeper into a cut-throat world of blackmail, bet-fixing, falsified records and murder.
Crackling with all the energy one expects from a rollicking Dick Francis thriller this series also features Mick Ford, Iain Cuthbertson, Susan Penhaligon, Gerald Flood, Carol Royle and James Maxwell plus a very special guest appearance from the legendary Red Rum!
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