Drama set in Australia at the beginning of the Second World war, based on a true story. Chips Rafferty stars as Dan McAlpine, a salt-of-the-earth cattle herder ordered to kill 1000 head of cattle rather than risk losing them to the Japanese, who are fast approaching Australian shores. However, instead of following orders, McAlpine and his team of drovers decide to herd the cattle on foot some 1600 miles across the outback from the north coast of Australia to Queensland. Baz Luhrmann has cited the film as a major inspiration for his 2008 film ‘Australia’ starring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman.
Special Features: Image Gallery
Barcode: 5027626604240
Region Code: Region 2
Certificate: U
Label: Network
Actors: John Nugent Hayward, Daphne Campbell, Jean Blue, Helen Grieve, John Fernside, Peter Pagan, Frank Ransome, Stan Tolhurst, Chips Rafferty
Director: Harry Watt
Number of Discs: 1
Audio Languages: English
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