An early film version of Rudyard Kipling’s classic tale. Mowgli (Sabu) is a young boy, lost in the African jungle, who is raised entirely by wolves. When he wanders into the village where he was born, Mowgli gradually acquires the power of speech as a result of meeting fellow humans. Mahala (Patricia O’Rourke) is entranced by Mowgli, and persuades him to take her deep into the jungle, where they discover the relics of an ancient civilisation. They return to Mahala’s father, Buldeo (Joseph Calleia), bearing gold coins, but when Mowgli refuses to reveal where they found them, Buldeo tries to turn the village against him.
Barcode 5027626243647
Region Code: DVD 2
Certificate: U
Label: Network
Actors: Sabu, Joseph Calleia, John Qualen, Frank Puglia, Rosemary de Camp
Director: Zoltan Korda
Number of Discs: 1
Audio Languages: English
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