Gerald Thomas directs this classic British crime thriller starring Susan Shaw and Dermot Walsh. Walsh stars as John Clarke, a bank clerk who unwittingly sets in motion a devastating turn of events by refusing to pay a bus fare.
“Network s Region 2 DVD delivers a beautiful, brand-new transfer from the original film elements and presented in its original aspect ratio of 1.66:1. Detail is sharp throughout with nice deep blacks and minimal signs of dirt or damage. Audio comes in the way of a nice clear mono track. Special features pinclude an image gallery and original Pressbook material. Overall, a nice smooth way to kick back and take an hour from your life.” –(Cinema Retro – Darren Allison)
“A fun tumble of misdeed/bad luck and coincidence that starts when a bank clerk tries to dodge paying his bus fare. Uh oh. Low budget, but well done and with a great cast of UK actors” –(DFvideodiary – Letterboxd)
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