This delightful comedy tells the story of three old ladies who take matters firmly into their own hands when officialdom threatens their friendship. Boasting wonderfully mischievous turns from Sybil Thorndyke, Kathleen Harrison and Estelle Winwood, with support from Stanley Holloway and an early film role for Richard Harris, Alive and Kicking is presented here in a brand-new digital transfer in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.
Dora, Rosie and Mabel, room mates at a home for elderly ladies, discover they are to be split up and placed in other homes. Dismayed by the prospect of separation, they decide to run away together. Heading for a remote island off the Irish coast where it seems they can live without the fear of being parted, the three fugitives quickly turn the situation to their advantage!
[] Original Theatrical Trailer
[] Image Gallery
[] Promotional Material PDFs
Reference 7954158
Year 1958
Director Cyril Frankel
Actor Richard Harris
Media Film
Format DVD
Label The British Film
Genre Comedy
Barcode 5027626415846
Classification TBC
Number Of Discs 1
Picture 1.33:1 / Black and White
Sound Mono / English
Subtitles None
Region 2 / PAL
Time 91 mins approx
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