Featuring gorgeous cinematography from Claude Friese-Greene, this stirring drama of romance and derring-do features an early film role for debonair Egyptian-born actor Alexandre D’Arcy, playing opposite Russian-British star Marguerite Allan. Initially released as a silent film with Pathécolor sequences in May 1929, A Romance of Seville was re-released in July 1930 without the stencil colouring but with new titles and a soundtrack showcasing a feature-length medley of colourful Spanish music. The Pathécolor version no longer exists, but the re-release is presented here as a High Definition remaster from original film elements, in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.
Dolores and Ramon celebrate their arranged betrothal with little enthusiasm: Dolores has a lover, and Ramon wants his freedom so that he can pursue Pepita. Having heard of Ramon’s betrothal, Pepita gives her heart to another – but when bandits accost her and try to rob her father, they give the dashing Ramon just the chance he needs to prove the gallant lover!
Special feature: Image gallery
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